A Foundation for Science and Literature
The Ella and Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation was established in 1935 to promote scientific research and literature through grants. Over the past decades, the foundation has been playing an increasingly important role in funding scientific research.

Georg Ehrnrooth (1866-1935) established himself after studies in law especially through insurance businesses as a forward-thinking businessman and investor in turn-of-the-century Finland. Gerog Ehrnrooth became early recognized for his professionalisation and modernisation of the isurance business in Finland.
On 7 May 1935, just before his death, Georg Ehrnrooth issued a decree establishing an independent foundation. On October 26, 1935, his wife Ella Ehrnrooth, confirmed the deed of the foundation, which led to The Ella and the Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation acquiring legal status on December 5, 1935.
The board is made up of members of the Ehrnrooth family and professors at the University of Helsinki. Board work has always been characterized by continuity. A good example of this is the fact that the foundation has had only seven chairs during its nearly 90 years of operation.
Over the past decades, the foundation has been playing an increasingly important role in funding scientific research.
At the start of its operations, the Foundation awarded only a few grants and awards, while it today awards about one hundred grants annually totalling over three million euros. Well over a thousand people have already received grants from The Ella and Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation.
During the 1990s, the foundation began to give greater priority to humanities, social sciences and biological research. Responsibility for research in “hard” sciences was clearly transferred to the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation. As a result of this division and the increasing availability of funds, the importance of the foundation to Finnish research, especially in the humanities, social sciences and biological sciences, continues to grow.
Our foundation is a member of the Association of Finnish Foundations, and we follow the code of conduct Best Practice for Foundations.
Looking Back
To celebrate its 75th anniversary, The Ella and Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation decided to document their activities in the form of a short history book. Written by Peter Stadius, it covers the years 1935–2010. It is published in Swedish and Finnish. The book is titled “For Science and Literature” and contains a wealth of information about the foundation. The reader can for example get acquainted with the cultural and social situation during which the foundation was established and what the foundation has meant to Finnish science and literature.
In addition, the reader can follow the positive development of the foundation to this day. The positive economic development of the foundation has given it an increasingly important role in financing Finnish science.
If you are interested in the history review, you can order it from the foundation’s director.